Milwa 7-0 Pars

Created by ronanobeirne 10 years ago
Back row: Martin O’Rourke, Denis Donovan, Ronan O’Beirne Front row: Mick Reavey, Declan O’Beirne The back of the photograph reads: “Milwa 7, Pars 0”. Here’s why: We put a new team into the local league so we needed a set of jerseys. Denis and Doug Darien conspired to get sponsorship from the restaurant where Doug worked (Dexter’s] to buy a set. One afternoon me and Denis are sitting in his apartment watching the Braves and playing balls and strikes. Doug calls and tells Denis everything is a “go’, he’s talking to the guys who will put the silkscreen on the shirts, and he needs the name of the team. As this discussion is going on, Ozzie Virgil hits a double down the line and tries to turn it into a triple. Now Denis’ attention is divided, while Doug on the other end of the line and who can hardly understand him at the best of times, has no idea what’s going on. Following a couple of “yeah, yeahs” and “Millwalls” Denis’ excitement is mounting and half-screaming at Ozzie Virgil, half-screaming into the phone at Doug shouts: “Millwall, Doug. It’s bloody Millwall. What’s so hard about that.” in his best Elephant and Castle style. So the shirts came back and we were “Milwa”. Standing under one of the large old oaks at Wahouma [maybe boys industrial school], Denis pulls out the shirts and asks “what the f*k is this?” while Doug sneaks off and looks for a place to hide.
