
Created by ronanobeirne 10 years ago
The 1986 UAB soccer catalog said: “Key returnees include seniors Denis Donovan and Harvey Torman, both of whom sat out 1985 with knee injuries that required surgery….” Given Dr. Garth’s assessment, and the size of the contraption Denis had to wear just to get back onto the soccer pitch a year later, the catalog seemed like an understatement of how of effectively Joe Joiner, Denis’ teammate on the 1985 squad, had crocked his knee with a tackle in practice. We poked fun at Denis relentlessly as he and his new constant companion scratched and screeched around the field – he was never going to surprise anyone because you could hear him coming from a mile away. Denis of course took this in good humor, but one consequence was that during practice when you heard that creak-squeak-creak of his knee brace coming up behind you, you got rid of the ball quickly. Bloody quickly.
